The Two Dead Girls (Green Mile Series, Part 1)
The Green Mile tells the story of two men, a prison guard and his new death row inmate, and their suddenly intertwined lives. What would it be like to walk those last 40 yards to the electric chair, knowing you were going to die there? What would it be like to be the man who had to strap the condemned man in or pull the switch? What would such a job take out of you, or even add? The Green Mile takes readers deep inside this world, and into the psyches of two men at the pivotal points in their lives. It's funny where an idea, a chance remark, can lead you. Friendly conversation about books will almost certainly lead you to Charles Dickens, and how his novels were once serialized, with readers eagerly awaiting the publication of the next installment. With few exceptions, this was a concept not attempted since the Dickens era. But now comes The Green Mile, a multi-part novel that will be published in monthly installments. National ads/media. Original. Review. The first part of Stephen King's multi-part serial novel that begins on Death Row and goes on to realms of revelation that make death seem sweet.