Dark Sister: Sorcerer's Love Story, A
In Dark Sister, Lynn V. Andrews sheds brilliant light on the dangerous, destructive aspects of women's power by following the remarkable story of Sin Corazn, an initiate in the Sisterhood of the Shields. As she begins her apprenticeship, Corazn is encouraged to explore and confront her fascination with the dark mysteries of the soul in order to overcome them. When her husband abandons her for another woman, however, she succumbs to her dark side and unleashes the full extent of her rage. It is only through love that she is able to find peace. Using the shamanistic themes and language that have formed the core of Andrews' work, Dark Sister offers a timely lesson that helps women accept -- and harness -- their sexual power and capacity for aggression. It is an eloquent, empowering parable that ultimately teaches readers an essential key to achieveing greater self-knowledge and inner tranquillity. Editorial Reviews