Paleo Slow Cooking: Gluten Free Recipes Made Simple
Although eating a paleo diet (no gluten, grains, dairy, or legumes) has proven to be highly effective in shedding unwanted weight and improving overall health, many find preparing and cooking real-food meals on a daily basis difficult to manage. Let's face it, prepping and cooking meals, as well as cleaning multiple pots and pans, can take a lot of time from your already hectic schedule. Not to mention the difficulties in making healthy food taste delicious. Enter the slow cooker, an easy-to-use devise that allows you to enjoy a wonderful, home-cooked meal without slaving for hours in the kitchen. In Paleo Slow Cooking, Chrissy Gower shows you that cooking real food using a variety of vegetables, clean cuts of meat, and healthy fats does not have to be a complicated, boring, or time-consuming endeavor. In this real-food-made-easy guide, Gower teaches you how to prepare full-course paleo/primal entrees, soups, stews, breakfast dishes, and desserts. To make every meal more enjoyable, Gower also includes several quick and easy side dishes to go with your slow cooker meals. Paleo Slow Cooking is sure to win the hearts of every time-crunched individual or family that yearns to eat a healthier diet. Eating paleo has never been so easy or tasted so good!. "Chrissy Gower has made paleo as accesible, easy, and delicious as possible. Busy families everywhere will appreciate having this resource to turn to when looking for a way to cut down time spent in the kitchen in order to spend more time with the ones they love. Thank you Chrissy for providing such an excellent resource for families who want to live the healthiest life possible!-Sarah Fragoso, National Best Selling Author of Everyday Paleo, Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook and Everyday Paleo Around the World: Italian Cuisine "Chrissy is a devoted wife, mother of 2 young children, blogger, as well as a coach and "woman in charge" at one of the most sought-after gyms in the country. When it comes to Paleo recipes that make efficient use of one's time and appeal to even the pickiest eaters - Paleo or not - Chrissy has some of the best, most inventive ideas for the kitchen out there that are sure to please. Most of all, Chrissy is proof positive that even the busiest of families can still life a healthy, Paleo life, and she shows you how to do so through all her work."-Julie & Charles Mayfield, authors of Paleo Comfort Foods. "There has been a precipitous rise in interest over the past couple of years about how to best incorporate a Paleo lifestyle change into your family life and thankfully...Chrissy is one of those voices..."-Jimmy Moore, Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Blog and Podcast - From the Publisher