Hip Tranquil Chick: A Guide to Life On and Off the Yoga Mat
Hip Tranquil Chick addresses that huge but unacknowledged demographic of
fashionistas equally at home at Bergdorf's and the yoga studio. The
book is divided into two major sections that cover all bases for the
style-minded seeker. "On the Mat" shares seven must-have modern-girl
yoga sequences, such as "Healing Hip Openers" and "Negativity Releasing
Heart Openers,� and explains yoga philosophy in hip chick language. "Off
the Mat" showcases nine ways to become more fabulous and balanced by
incorporating yogic qualities like introspection, strength, and
flexibility into daily life. The nine lifestyle chapters reveal how to
turn on-the-mat wear into on-the-town style, how to create soulful
surroundings at home and work, mindful money management, finding a
passion-filled career, how strategic soiree-throwing creates community,
tips for practicing social consciousness, and more. Each chapter is
accompanied by helpful "OMwork" to translate these concepts into
reality. Abundant illustrations accentuate the text, and a "savvy
sources" section encourages further exploration.